6 Great Tips For Learning How To Lucid Dream

183705967Lucid dreaming is the fun and fascinating process of learning how to be conscious and in control in your dreams without that consciousness causing you to wake up. The normal reaction to “oh I’m dreaming” is the body being shocked into waking up, but lucid dreaming allows you to explore your dreams with control.

Lucid dreaming needs to be thought of as a skill. Like any skill, if you want to learn how to lucid dream, you need to practice over time. Working on these tips will be like exercising the mental muscles that allow this amazing experience to take place!

Tip 1: Eliminate distractions. If you sleep with the radio or TV on, or keep checking your smart phone as it beeps then you’re not going to be able to fall into the deep REM sleep you need for dreaming – and you’re going to condition yourself to wake up instead. Sleep in dark and quiet.

Tip 2: Sleep schedules. You want to train your body and your mind, and one of the easiest ways to do that is to make sure you go to bed at the same time every night and wake up the same time every morning.

Tip 3: Keep a dream journal. Write down all your dreams that you remember, and keep the journal by your bed in case you wake up suddenly. Recording dreams helps keep them in your conscious mind, which helps train you to not forget about them, making them a more active part of your sleep cycle.

Tip 4: Practice visualizing and meditating while conscious. This will get you used to seeing yourself in a daydream setting you can control and carry over to night dreaming.

Tip 5: Before going to bed mutter or chant “I can control my dreams,” or “I will be aware in my sleep,” or a similar phrasing. This will help trance your subconscious mind into making this a reality.

Tip 6: Take Vitamin B6. This supplement has been shown to help your brain produce serotonin, which leads to more vivid dreams and vivid dreams are easier to be lucid in.

Follow these 6 helpful tips and don’t get frustrated! It can take time to get used to learning lucid dreaming but now you are well on your way!